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Getting Started



Rollbound uses the AxiosAPI and requires it to be installed on your Paper server.

Rollbound VersionSupported Paper VersionsRequired Axios Version to


  1. Download the required version of Axios from Modrinth.
  2. Download the desired version of Rollbound from Modrinth.
  3. Place the downloaded jar files in your server's plugins folder.
  4. Start or restart your server. ⚠️ Do not use /reload, as it will not work ⚠️

Downloading Rollbound

Rollbound is available for download from Modrinth and GitHub. Modrinth is the recommended source for downloading Rollbound, as GitHub only contains minor releases (e.g. 1.0), while Modrinth contains all releases (e.g. 1.0.1).

Configuration and Localization

As Rollbound has quite a few configuration options, you can find them on the seperate Configuration page.

Updating Rollbound

Updating Rollbound is simple! Just replace the old Rollbound jar file with the new one, and restart your server.

Remember to update Axios as well, if a new version is required!